BlueRibbon Coalition promotes responsible use of public land for the benefit of all recreationist. BRC is working hard to keep public lands open and you can make a difference by joining. The organization promotes balanced resource conservation. BRC is recognized by the general public, media and elected officials as a leader in promoting common sense and an equitable approach to recreation and access issues. BRC campaigns to replace “user conflict ” with “user cooperation” by educating everyone to share.
The Colorado Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) is a 100 percent volunteer organization whose intention is to be a viable partner, working with the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to preserve the sport of trail riding. The TPA will act as an advocate of the sport and take the necessary action to insure that the USFS and BLM allocate to trail riding a fair and equitable percentage of access to public lands.
Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO)
is a non-profit volunteer organization which represents, assists, educates and empowers OHV recreationists in protecting motorized recreation in Colorado. COHVCO is an environmental organization that advocates and promotes the responsible use and conservation of our public lands and natural resources to preserve their aesthetic and recreational qualities for future generations.
National Off Highway Vehicle Conservation Council (NOHVCC)
The National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council is a publicly supported, non-profit foundation organized for the sole purpose of developing and providing a wide spectrum of programs, materials and information, or “tools”, to individuals, clubs, associations and agencies in order to further a positive future for responsible OHV recreation.
Tread Lightly! is dedicated to protect public and private lands through education and stewardship. Emphasis is placed on responsible use of off-highway vehicles, other forms of backcountry travel and low impact principles applicable to all recreation activities. Federal Partners include the National Park Service, Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and Army Corps of Engineers.
American Trails is a national, nonprofit organization working on behalf of ALL trail interests. American Trails’ members want to create and protect America’s network of interconnected trails. They support local, regional, and long-distance trails and greenways, whether in backcountry, rural, or urban areas. Their goal is to support America’s trails by finding common ground and promoting cooperation among all trail interests.
USA-ALL Utah Shared Access Alliance defends equality of shared access, educates the public, and empowers user groups while conserving our public lands for the benefit of all. They help educate legislators and aid their efforts to craft responsible legislation that does not violate the rights of motorized and mechanized recreationists. They educate the recreating public to help them understand and participate in the complicated land management planning process. They counter the unfair influence of the Wilderness Advocacy Groups (WAGS) within public land managing agencies.
Government Organizations
Bureau of Land Management Colorado
Bureau of Land Management Uncompahgre Field Office
Colorado State Parks is the administer for the OHV and Snowmobile Fund. The funds are obtained from vehicle registration and are used to help develop, maintain and keep trails open.
USDA Forest Service:
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre & Gunnison National Forests
Uncompahgre National Forest & San Miguel County
2005 Recreation Survey
Ophir, Black Bear & Imogene Pass Roads
Key Supporters
- We provide an organized network for enthusiasts to make contact and build camaraderie, share interests and ideas. We promote active participation in OHV trail management and other civic activities. We maintain a focused and ongoing dialogue with the San Juan National Forest and other public land planners. We educate OHV users about “Tread Lightly” conservation practices and other trail use issues. We encourage cooperation and coordination between other forest user groups and organizations. Get involved! Have fun! Help contribute to a productive and worthwhile organization!
The Telluride Airforce is the local hang gliding and paragliding club in Telluride, Colorado. Our main launch is Gold Hill, at the top of the Telluride Ski Area. This is a high altitude site, launch is 3735m (12,250ft) and landing in town is 2667m (8750ft). Landing zones include Town Park, the Pearl Property and the Valley Floor. Visiting pilots must fly with a local guide pilot. See Site Info for more information on flying here.
Thunder Mountain Wheelers is a diverse group of individuals, families and businesses who enjoy motorized access to the great outdoors. TMW support the concept of preserving our National Forests and BLM lands through a balanced multiple use approach. The TMW mission is to promote, foster and provide an attitude of public service, volunteerism, safe riding practices, rational and environmentally responsible techniques of riding off highway vehicles.
Western Slope ATV Association was founded on the principle of promoting legitimate family recreational activity on public lands. In doing so WSATVA will promote responsible use and educate the general public, media and elected officials on land use. The WSATVA will provide search and rescue assistance to Mesa County and will work with the local BLM and Forest Service offices to obtain grants and to provide trail maintenance and construction to help benefit the outdoor community.
West End Sledders is based in Norwood, Colorado. Norwood is located in the heart of the San Juan Mountains on Highway 145, 65 miles southwest of Montrose. Approximately 124 miles of trails are groomed in the Uncompaghre and San Juan National Forest near Norwood and approximately 97 miles of trails in the Uncompaghre National Forest near Nucla, northwest of Norwood, offering riding for everyone.
Stewards of the Sequoia members care deeply about our lands, wildlife and forests. We represent all people who enjoy multiple use trails. We are the largest on the ground volunteer organization in the Sequoia National Forest.
Rocky Mountain Enduro Circuit (RMEC), Colorado
Promotes the sport of enduro riding in the Rocky Mountain area through organized regional competition and works with other Rocky Mountain cycling organizations in the resolution of legislative and environmental problems which would inhibit the sport of off road motorcycling.
CERA – California Enduro Riders Association & Conservation Planning Coalition
Fremont, CA
Steve Hatch Racing
“I highly suggest you join the PAPA team. I have been blessed to do what I love for a living over the past 20 years! I truly believe that I have become the man I am as a direct result of learning life’s lesson through the expression of riding a motorcycle! I know that it seems unrealistic to have learned such lessons, yet when you become totally passionate about something, it is life altering. I am excited to be a part of people of likeness, who are all passionate about what they love to do. I truly believe that a family that plays together stays together! Let’s work towards creating a win-win relationship for everyone!” Steve Hatch
Motorcycle Trail Riding Association of Grand Junction Through the State Trails Program the CMTRA obtains grants that are used for trail maintenance. CMTRA works with state and federal agencies to maintain off-highway (OHV) trails on national and state land in the Pikes Peak and southern Colorado region. Actively working with U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and Colorado State Parks, the CMTRA provides trail marking, protection of sensitive areas by barriers/fencing and signing, trail repairing, erosion control, retaining wall/bridge building, information signing, and trash cleanup.
Pan Pacific Services
We Offer Professional Services To The Off Road Community That Will Save Our Present Trail Systems. Since 1982, we have put thousands of miles of legally defendable, environmentally sustainable motorized trail on the ground, open today for you to ride. The list of our successes is constantly changing; here we list some: Gambonini Ranch, California, Cow Mountain, BLM California, Knoxville, BLM California, Upper Lake Ranger District, Mendocino National Forest, Santa Lucia Ranger District, Los Padres National Forest, California Back Country Discovery Trail, Miliken Valley, BLM Oregon, Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area, West Virginia, Pima & Dynamite, Arizona, Silver City, BLM Idaho, Emmett, BLM Idaho, Applegate Ranger District, Rogue River National Forest, Rabbit Valley, BLM Colorado, North Fruita Desert, BLM Colorado, Bangs Canyon, BLM Colorado, Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, New Mexico
Area Clubs and Support Groups
San Juan Trail Riders
Durango and Telluride, Colorado
San Juan Sledders
Snowmobile enthusiasts dedicated to the preservation of public use of public land for all to use and share. This group provides Snowmobile Trail Maps to local shops, and has a Snow Cat that grooms trail for local snowmobilers.
Ridgway Light Industrial LLC, Telluride, Colorado
Mt. Sopris Recreational Riders Inc., of Aspen, Colorado provides, plans, and regulates social and other activities. These activities have included multi-use trail use development and maintenance, particularly winter use trails. The club plans a safari calendar each year for club members, families, and friends to participate in meetings, club outings, club decisions, and encourages impromptu activities among members. Snowmobile safety, courtesy, survival, search and rescue, and training for children and adults are encouraged while members enjoy the magnificent of the great outdoors. The club was a major developer and organizer of the Sunlight to Powderhorn (S-P Trail System), a system dedicated to multi-use by the snow-loving public. Those who use the S-P Trail are snowmobilers, cross country skiers, snowshoers, dog sledders, and Argo riders. Mt. Sopris Rec. Riders is responsible for snow grooming 100 miles of the S-P Trail along with many other trails. Along with snow grooming, the club’s volunteers mark the entire S-P Trail and other trails with diamonds and trail poles. Volunteers, in cooperation with the National Forests, maintain trails in the summer by cutting and removing down trees that are on trails and toilets are set out for public use.
Western Slope 4Wheelers Montrose, Colorado promote responsible use of public lands. The Western Slope 4-Wheelers have adopted the following roads:
Engineer Pass (from Hwy 550 to the start of Poughkeepsie Gulch), Poughkeepsie Gulch, Corkscrew Gulch, Black Bear Pass (from the top down to Telluride), Wave/Eagle Loop, Boulder Canyon (hardcore), Roubideau Jeep Road, Monitor Mesa Jeep Road, and Death Row (hardcore)
The Colorado Association of 4WD Clubs is a not-for-profit umbrella organization for four wheel drive clubs in the state of Colorado. We began in 1968. We are members of the Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition, and United Four Wheel Drive Associations and are voting members of Tread Lightly!